
St Michael's Cornhill

St Michael’s Church, St Albans

St Nicolas Church, Newbury

St Paul’s Church, Bedford

St Peter's Church, Cradley

St Peter's Church, St Albans

St Peter's Church, Stainforth

St Peter's Church, Wolverhampton

St Stephen Walbrook

St Thomas & St James Church, Barnsley

St Thomas' Church, York

Stowey Parish Church

Symphony Hall

Temple Church

Tewkesbury Abbey

The Guards' Chapel

Victoria Hall, Hanley

Waltham Abbey Church

Wesley Methodist Church, Chester

Wesley's Chapel and Leysian Mission

Dewsbury Minster of All Saints

Durham Cathedral

Dutch Church

Ellesmere College

Emmanuel Church, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield

Freemasons' Hall

Glasgow University Chapel

Great Yarmouth Minster

Guild Chapel, Stratford-upon-Avon

Halifax Minster

Hampstead Parish Church

Hereford Cathedral

Holy Trinity Church, Heworth

Holy Trinity Church, Wordsley

Huddersfield Town Hall

Hull City Hall

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum

King's Lynn Minster