Free, retiring collection
Organ Travels in Europe
Lunch hour recital with commentary
Richard Townend(St Margaret Lothbury)
Free, retiring collection
Relocated from St Stephen Walbrook
Alexander Flower(St George’s Metropolitan Cathedral Southwark)
Free, retiring collection
International Celebrity Series
Lunch hour recital with commentary
Diego Innocenzi(Geneva, Switzerland)
Free, retiring collection
The Glorious Baroque
Lunch hour recital with commentary
Richard Townend(St Margaret Lothbury)
Free, retiring collection
International Celebrity Series
Lunch hour recital with commentary
Ralph Gustafsson(Stockholm, Sweden)
Free, retiring collection
International Celebrity Series
Lunch hour recital with commentary
Birger Marmvik(Oskarshamm, Sweden)
Free, retiring collection
St George's Day Recital
Lunch hour recital with commentary
Richard Townend(St Margaret Lothbury)
Free, retiring collection
International Celebrity Series
Lunch hour recital with commentary
Istvan Ella(Budapest Hungary)
Free, retiring collection
Organ Travels in Europe
Lunch hour recital with commentary
Richard Townend(St Margaret Lothbury)