
Robert Sharpe

(York Minster)

Peter Shepherd and Christopher Black

Peter Shepherd


Aaron Shilson

(Assistant DoM, Llandaff Cathedral)

David T Shingler

(Carlisle Cathedral)

Gary Sieling

(Concert Organist)

Joshua Simoes

(Hampton Court)

Johannes Skoog

(Stockholm, Sweden)

Angela Sones

(St Alban's Church, Highgate, Birmingham)

Nigel Spooner


Jeremiah Stephenson

(All Saints Margaret Street and St Paul’s Cathedral)

Peter Stevens

(Westminster Cathedral)

Gordon Stewart


Gordon Stewart

(Concert Organist)

Alastair Stone

(Ripon Cathedral)

Robert Sudall

(Concert Organist)

Mark Swinton

(Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick)

John Talbot


Nicholas Tall and Alexander Trowell

Edward Taylor


David Thomas

(Shrewsbury School)

Graham Thorpe

(Bradford Cathedral)

Christopher Too

(St Paul's Cathedral)

Richard Townend

(St Margaret Lothbury)

Ian Tracey

(Liverpool Cathedral)

Pavlos Triantaris

(Letchworth Traditional Anglican Church)

D'Arcy Trinkwon

(International Concert Organist)

Thomas Trotter

(Birmingham City Organist)

Shaun Turnbull

(Leeds Minster)

Zsombor Tóth-Vajna

(Royal College of Music)

Victoria Ulriksen

(Oslo, Norway)

Ashley Wagner

(Birmingham Cathedral)

Peter Wakeford

(Freelance Organist)

Frikki Walker

(St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow )

Richard Walker

(St Chad's, Shrewsbury)

Richard Walker

(St Chad's Shrewsbury)

Colin Walsh

(Organist Emeritus, Lincoln Cathedral)

Paul Walton

(Bristol Cathedral and University)

Lee Ward


Geoffrey Webber

(Hampstead Parish Church, London)

David Whittle


Tom Wilkinson

(University of St Andrews)

Huw Tregelles Williams


Adam Wilson

(York Minster)

Alexander Wilson

(St Cyprian’s, Clarence Gate, London)

Sam Wilson

(Dewsbury Minster, West Yorkshire)

Alexander Wilton

(Royal College of Music)

Robert Wolfe

(Thursford, Norfolk)

Alexander Woodrow

(Leeds Minster)

Charles Wooler

(Newcastle upon Tyne)